The following published and unpublished essays report on some of the findings of the Multi-Sensory Marketing Project. The first three essays are theoretical pieces by David Howes which describe the appropriation of the senses for commercial purposes in late consumer capitalism. The other essays consist of sensory ethnographies of the shopping experience in a major North American urban centre (i.e. Montreal, Canada) and/or sensory biographies of the things acquired in the course of such excursions. These essays bring out the multiple ways in which the senses are engaged in the process of acquiring and that of domesticating objects. They also show that consumers possess far more agency, and exercise more possession of their senses, than sensory marketers would think.

David Howes, "Hyperaesthesia, or, The Sensual Logic of Late Capitalism." From Empire of the Senses
David Howes, "Multi-Sensory Marketing" ... Part 1 ...
David Howes, "Multi-Sensory Marketing" ... Part II ...
Mélissa Gauthier, A Sensual Chapter in the Cultural Biography of (Used) Clothing

Domesticating Objects - Wool
Domesticating Objects - Books and Bathrobes
Domesticating Objects - Couch Hunting
Domesticating Objects - Dining Room Set
Domesticating Objects - Electric Toothbrush

Grohmann, Bianca and David Thomas, Memory Effects of Retronasal Olfaction

Grohmann, Bianca, Eric R. Spangenberg, and David E. Sprott (2007), "The Influence of Tactile Input on the Evaluation of Retail Product Offerings", Journal of Retailing, 83 (2), 237-245.

Spangenberg, Eric R., David E. Sprott, Bianca Grohmann, and Daniel L. Tracy (2006), "Gender-Congruent Ambient Scent Influences on Approach and Avoidance Behaviors in a Retail Store", Journal of Business Research, 59 (12), 1281-1287.