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Uncommon Senses: Program April 27, Thursday, 8:30-9:45 Registration Thursday, 10:00-12:45 Conference Welcome and Introduction David Howes Jennifer Fisher Plenary Speakers "Rasaesthetics"
Cyberspace Smelly? The Aroma of Virtualities" Thursday, 2:00-3:45 Anthropology of the Senses I: Material Culture "The
Sensible Power of Images" "Sensual
Relations, or the Life of the Senses in Society: Melanesian Case
Incense and Sticky Foods: The House as a Multisensory Medium in the
Smells: Virtual Womb" Digital Aesthetics "Digital
Aesthetics in the Era of Cyber-Capitalism" "Sense
of Touch: Tactile Sensation in a Digital World" "The
Sensory Envelope of Information Events Generated Between Archaic and
Engendering the Senses: Feminism and the Body "It
Causes a Stink but Does it Smell? Contemporary Art, the Senses and
Masters of Modern Art: Aging, Suffering and the Economy of "A
Soft Touch: Women Designers of Deco" "A
Sense of Extravagance: Margaret Macdonald's Gesso Panels" Exhibition Practices "Rethinking
the Gaze: Craft Objects in Gallery Spaces" "Sensing
the Museum: The Tactility of the Eye and the Visibility of Touch"
Fodder" "Extrasensory
Understandings" Installation/Interactivity "Fluid
Exchanges and Twitching Automata" Title
to Follow "Somatic
Architectures" "The
Furnace: Analysis of an Interactive Digital Installation" Senses of Space I "Topologies
of Sensation: Fragmentary Maps of Contemporary Architecture"
Up the Window (And Get Some Air Into This Room)" "Soundwalks
as a Way to Understanding Environments, and as Multimedia "Pampering
Pleasures and Aesthetic Aspirations: Beds, Baths and Martha Thursday, 4:00-5:45 Anthropology of the Senses II: States of Perception "French
Anthropology and the Study of the Senses of the 'Primitive'"
a Cultural Psychology of the Senses: Notes on an Anlo-Ewe Theory of
Listening within Contemporary Islamic Egypt" "An
Intrinsic Relationship Between Sound and Image" Haptics "The
Transference of Absence: Imprint and Imprimatur" "Sense
of Connection: Touching Art" "The
Virtual Touch" "In
Surgical Sleep" Popular Culture: Affects and Effects "Looking
at Records" "'Worrying
the Note': Mapping Time in the Gangsta Film" "The
Pixel Chef: PBS Television Cooking Shows and the Human Sensorium"
a Stave" Per_Sen_Test "The
Fantasy of Weightlessness" "Inflorescentia"
Borders" Senses of Space II "The
Urban Sensorium" "Frugality
and Urbanity" "Entropic
Effects" "Tasting,
Touching and Smelling Art in Special Seclusion Spaces" Sensing the Sacred "Sacred
Attentiveness: Charismatic Christians and the Indeterminacy of
and the 'Lower' Senses" "Feeling
Sound: The Embodiment of the Goddess in the Srividya Tradition"
and Bells: The Use of the Senses and the Burning of Substances in
April 28, Friday, 9:00-10:45 Cybersenses "Avatar
Heresies: The King Lives (Virtually)" "Crucial
Desires" "Flesh,
Meaning and the Augmented Body: The Future of the Human" "Hyperaesthesia,
Sensory Concurrence and New Technologies" Deaf Cultures "Un
débat interdisciplinaire sur la surdité" "La
culture sourde: Plus qu'une adaptation à la perte auditive" "The
Senses and Deafness: A New Paradigm" "Deafness
and Sign Language in a Yucatec Maya Community" Embodied Reading "The
Sensory Subversion of Reading" "Toward
Ideal Harmony: Experiencing Artists' Books as Visual "The
Tactility of Language" "Sensory
Pleasures of the Library" Experiencing the Atmosphere "Experiencing
Sound Atmospheres" "Experiencing
the Between" "The
Distances Between" "La
notion d'atmosphère dans la relation soignant-soigné. Approche
Sensorial Strategies in Art History "Do
Not Touch: The Modernist Repression of the Tactile and its Return as
Greenberg's Viewer" "Marcel
Duchamp's Sensory Language: A New Interpretation of Ready-Mades"
Staging Sensoriality "Battling
Blood: Harsh Life in a Scene from Ron Athey's Performance" "Olfactory
Performances" "Performing
Touch" "Feeling
the Event: 'Spaces of Affect' and the Cajun Dance Arena" Friday, 11:00-12:45 Cinematic Senses "From
Wonka Bars to Cheesy Poofs: The Taste(s) of Popular Cinema" "Olfactory
Montage" "The
Body of the Audience: Marketing to the Entire Body in Movie-Going"
Cuts and Caresses: The Body in Pleasure and Pain "Bob
Flanagan on Pain Management: 'Alligator Clips on My Dick, Demoral on
Other Concern than Maternal Caresses': Depicted and Factural Gestures
Me" "The
Reincarnation of St. Orlan, or the Artist as Charlatan" Helen Keller "Via
Helen Keller" "A
World of Sense: Helen Keller Represents Blind-Deaf Experience"
French and Americans Look at Helen Keller" "Helen
Keller and the Senses of Justice" Philosophical Aesthetics: Sensorial Investigations "Reconfiguration
of the Body in Diderot's Aesthetics" "Aesthetics,
Materiality and the History of the Senses" "For
an Experimental Philosophy of the Senses: Condillac's Sensitive Statue
Un-Savoury Aesthetics: The Case of the Still Life" A Sensory Primer "Metaphor
and the Categorization of the Senses" "Nailing
the Earlobe to the Doorpost" "Senses
that We Sense" "Seeing
the Invisible?" Writing the Senses "Riding
the Steel Internet: Graffiti Writers Turning to Freight Trains to
Smell of the Father: Elaine Kraf's Find Him! and the Disassembly of
on the Body, Written by the Senses" "Composing
the Screen: Possibilities for Performing Letterforms" Friday, 2:00-3:45 Plenary Speakers "The
Parable of the Cave (Blind Version)" "The
Futurist Sensorium and the Cultural Politics of the Senses" Friday, 4:00-5:45 Amerindian Aesthetics "A
Navajo Philosophy of Color" "A
Sonic Poesis of Place and Persona in the Andes" "From
Painting to Power: The Artwork of Louis Karoniaktajeh Hall "The
Shifting Relationships Between Gaze and Image: The Cashinahua Indians
Artistic Process "The
Dancer's Kinaesthetic Sense: Touching from the Inside" "The
Creative Meeting: A Theoretical and Practico-Aesthetic Study of the
Consciousness of the Body in the Act, Time and Space of a Drawing"
Critiques of Ocularcentrism "The
Eye of the Flesh: Sight and Embodiment in the Middle Ages" "Uncommon
Vision: Sensory Engagements and Disengagements among Nepal's
to Our Senses: De-scribing Law through Digital Technology" "Vision
Beyond Eyesight" Feminist Aesthetic Practices "A
Matter of Paint: the Embodied Subject of Aesthetics" "Feminine
Identity Otherwise: Moving through the Latticework of Mary "Sensory
Adventures in Aesthetics: The Art of Helen Chadwick" Making Sense of Texts "Sensory
Perception and Metaphor in Seventeenth-Century Sectarian "A
Fantastic Mutation of Normal Reality: Sensory Experience in Death in
Ludicrous Lushness': Sensory Excess and the Body in Process in the
on Poetry: Gardens and Cultural Regimes" Rasaboxes: Workshop Richard
Schechner, New York University April 29, Saturday, 9:00-10:45 Aurality I "Polyphonic
Aurality in the Context of John Cage's Roaratorio: An Irish "Flatus
Vocis: Somatic Winds" "What
Did Van Gogh Hear? Wagner, Vibrations and Voices" "How
Loud is My Voice? Contemporary Artists Practising Silence" Cultural Histories of the Senses I "High
Sensations: Sense and Sensibility in the Masochism of Saint Catherine
Performances: The Soul's Sensuous Body in Medieval Mystical "Sensory
Phenomena and Experience in the Early Medieval Other World" "Sensing,
Speaking Through the Body: The Experiential and Discursive Female
Feeling Difference: The Sensory Politics of Alterity "Traces
of the Body: Native, Women, Artists" "The
Black Venus: Viscerality in Representation" "A
Perfectly Spaced-Out Nation" "Personifying
Capital: The Contradictory Desires of (un)Common Sense" Synaesthesia "Through
the Glass Brightly: Synaesthesia and the Arts" "The
Private Life of the Senses: Synaesthesia, Eidetic Imagery and the
la médecine à l'art: applications de la synethésie chez Paul Fort,
Synaesthesia: Embodying Critical and Aesthetic Discourse in Taste I "Taste
and the Production of Pleasure: Melbourne's Queen Victoria Markets"
and Technology: Count Rumford's 'Red Hot Monsters' and 'Metaphysical
and Beaujolais: John Dewey's Gustatory Aesthetic" "Local
Taste: France and the Commitment to Terroir" Saturday, 11:00-12:45 Aurality II "The
Influence of Technology on Music" "Sounding
Out Richard: Henry Irving and the Shakespearean Soundscape" "At
the Edge of Hearing: The Third Ear and the Performance of Difference"
Farinelli and the Cult of the Hybrid Voice" Cultural Histories of the Senses II "The
Epistemology of the Senses in New World Historiography" "Touch
and Vividness in the Italian Renaissance" "The
Five Senses at the Vatican Library" Disability and Technology: Reconfiguring the Senses "Facilitating
Art-Making Experiences For Children with Disabilities" "The
Blending of Social Identity and Mobility Devices in Blind People"
Through Clay: Therapeutic Modelling and Ceramics in Two "Technology
Advertisement: Re-organizing the Senses and Re-constituting a
Sense Appeals "Le
Bonheur de femmes/The Scent of a Woman" "Suspense
and Sensory Difference in Sacher-Masochs' Venus in Furs" "Feeling
Fabulous Forever: Hyperaesthesia, Memory and Mundanity in Some
The Tactility of Vision: Readings in Photography, Film and Video "Tactility,
History, Sexuality: Peggy Ahwesh's The Color of Love and the
Re-reading Phenomenological Suppositions in Classical Film "Tactile
Photography" "Tactile
Spectatorship: Links Between Early Film Theory and Video Art"
Taste II "Sleeping
with Cake: A Series of Artist Projects" "Wittgenstein's
Kitchen: Sharing Sense in Restaurant Work" "Making
Sense of Food" "Food
for Thought: Representation, Eating and the Imaginary Self" Saturday, 2:00-3:45 Plenary Speakers "Vaginal
Aesthetics" "Corrupting
the Purity of the White Cube" Saturday, 4:00-5:45 Altered States "De
l'absorption des drogues par la bouche, le nez et la peau" "The
Haptephobic Self: Senses Gone Awry" "Immateriality
of the Senses and Immortality of the Love Object: "Listening
to the Interface" From the Tactile to the Embrace "The
Embrace: Encounters of the Ethical Kind" "Talking
Sense: Merleau-Ponty's Vision" "Haptic
Vision and the Intuition of Time" "Making
Sense of Stelarc" Respondent
Perceptual Pedagogies "The
Forgotten Sense -- Proprioception" "Collaborative
Footprints: Imprints of Psychic Exchange" "From
Isolation to Reintegration: The Adoption of Different Sensory Codes"
to Intelligence: Jean-Marc Gaspard Itard Teaches the Wild Boy of
Sociology of the Senses "Interaction
and the Senses: Suggestions for a Theoretical and "The
Perception of Deception" "The
Gendered Sensorium" "Aged
to Imperfection: Consequences of Olfactory Depletion" The "Total Artwork" (Gesamtkunstwerk) "Multimedia
of the Machine Age: A Genealogy of Multimedia through "Polysensorialite
et art contemporain" "Common
Senses: Language, Ocularcentrism and the Recovery of the Human
Sensory Experience: The Organic School of the Russian |