Cross-Cultural Consumption Links: The following sites will prove of interest to researchers in cross-cultural consumption Website created by Anthropologist Richard Wilk, Professor at Indiana University. Through his website one can access information on the Global Consumer Culture Project, the museum of weird consumer culture, book reviews on anthropology and consumption, reviews of software for qualitative research and many links to other culture/consumption related web sites.
Consumption, Everyday Life and Sustainability: project at Lancaster University, England, funded by the European Science Foundation’s TERM programme. Many research papers such as « Configuring domestic technologies : normalization of freezers in Finland, Norway and the UK » and « Symbolic Meanings of High and Low Impact Consumption in Different Cultures » are available to read on this website. www.ruf.rice.edu/~tnchina/chinaads.html Materials Image Archive of the Transnational China Project at Rice University, Houston, Texas: «Outdoor Commercial advertising in China: Shangai, 1997-1998 ». The advertising of products and businesses reflects social change in China, changes involving new sets and combinations of values, ideals and norms. The project includes analyses of outdoor advertisements for goods and businesses. www.globalbrands.org/research.htm Website on the branding of consumer goods ; of particular interest are articles such as « Language and Brand Attitudes : Impact of Script and Sound in Chinese and English », and « Foreign Branding and its Effects on Product Perception and Attitudes ». Center For Consumer Culture, University of Utah. This web site seeks to promote the study of consumer culture globally, to act as a clearing house for research ideas, conferences, publications and related activities, and to facilitate the exchange of project ideas on-line. List of suggested readings. March-June 2001 workshop on « Consumption, Production and the Market in the Constitution of Meaning in the Middle East ».
Center for Research in Transitional Societies at Bilkent University, Turkey. The Center encourages comparative and interdisciplinary approaches and research to understand the social, cultural, political, economic, and business issues in transitional societies. Some of their research projects : « Cultural products and Globalization : Production and Consumption of Oriental Carpets », « Consumption of Religious Objects : The Case of the Rosary », and « Fundamental Fashions : The Cultural Politics of the Turban and the Levi’s ».
The Association for Consumer Research is an organization comprised primarily of academic researchers in the field of consumer behavior. ACR attempts, through this website, to create a structure for scholarly exchanges on consumer behavior. The holding of conferences and the production of publications are their main goals.
Website created by Sociologist Don Slater of Goldsmiths College, University of London. Information on the Sociology of Consumption research network (European Sociological Association), on a proposed section on consumption in the American Sociological Association, ConsumAsian (consumption and consumer culture in the Asian region) ; section on Trinidad and the Internet. Many interesting links. A website promoting crafts and works of art from a range of non-western countries, i.e. paintings from Nepal, sculptures from Cameroon, large South African service spoons, and Vodou Flags from Haiti. |