Smucker Degrees -Ph.D. 1967 Michigan
State University Current Research Areas 1. Culture and International Business Practices. An examination of how firms conduct cross-cultural business operations. The analysis takes into account both institutional structures as well as cultural differences. It includes inquiries into the ethics of business behaviour and sustainable development. My field research has been focused on South Korea. 2. Approaches in the Sociology of Labour Markets. Recently there has been an increased interest among both sociologists and economists on how to account for persisting inequities in employment patterns in advanced societies. I am interested in sorting out just what a sociological perspective can contribute to this issue. Recent Publications 1. Books With Axel van den Berg (eds.) The Sociology of Labour Markets: Equity, Equality and Security, Scarborough, Ont.: Prentice-Hall, 1997. 2. Articles and Chapters With A. Masi, A. van den Berg, and M. Smith, "To cut or not to cut: A cross-national comparison of attitudes toward wage flexibility," in Dan Cornfield, Karen Campbell and Holly McCammon (eds.), Working in Restructured Workplaces, Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage Publications, 2001 "Canada: Looking good, feeling bad," in Avi Gottlieb and Ephraim Yuctman-Yaar (eds.) Socio-Economic Change and Individual Adaptation: Comparing East and West, Greenwich Conn.: JAI Press, 1994. "Religious community and indivdualism: Conceptual adaptations by one group of Mennonites," in Donald Capps and Richard K. Fenn (eds.) Individualism Reconsidered: Readings Bearing on the Endangered Self in Modern Society, Princeton: Princeton University Center for Religion, Self and Society, 1992. (with A. van den Berg, A. Masi and M. Smith), "Manufacturing change: A two-country, thre-industry comparison," Acta Sociologica, 2000, 43, 139-156. (with A. van den Berg, A. Masi and M. Smith), "Protection or exposure? Some evidence of the effects of labour market policies on workers' attitudes towards change in Canada and Sweden," Work, Employment and Society, 1999. (with A. van den Berg, A. Masi and M. Smith), "To cut or not to cut: A cross-national comparison of attitudes toward wage flexibility," Work and Occupations, 1998, 25, 1, 49-73. (with A. van den Berg, M. Smith and A. Masi), "Internal flexibility in Sweden and Canada: A three Industry comparison," Relations Industrielle/Industrial Relations, 1998, 3, 430-457. (with M. Smith, A. van den Berg and A. Masi), "Insecurity, labour relations and flexibility in two process industries: A Canada/Sweden comparison," Canadian Journal of Sociology, 1997, 22, 1, 31-63. (with M. Smith, A. van den Berg and A. Masi), "External flexibility in Sweden and Canada: A thre industry comparison," Work, Employment and Society, 1995, 9,4, 689-718. "Transformations in the meaning of unemployment," Culture, 1994, XIV, 1, 39-53. (with A. van den Berg), "Labour markets and government interventions: A comparison of Canadian and Swedish labour market policies," International Journal of Contemporary Sociology, 1992, 29, 1, 9-46. "(with A. van den Berg), "Some evidence of the effects of labour market policies on workers' attitudes toward change in Canada and Sweden," Canadian Journal of Sociology, 1991, 16, 1, 51-74 3. Recent Papers (with A. van den Berg), "Is there a sociology of labour markets?" paper presented to the Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics, London School of Economics, July 7-10, 2000. (with A. van den Berg and A. Masi), "Responses to down-sizing under different adjustment regimes: A two-country comparison," paper presented to the International Conference on Plant Closures and Downsizing in Europe, Leuven, Belgium, January 28-30, 1999. "Flexibility
in the deployment of labour," Sixth Annual Karl Polanyi Conference,
Montreal, Quebec, November, 1996. |