Ownby Identité Professeur agrégé,
Département d'histoire, Université de Montréal Études supérieures Doctorat de 3e cycle
- History and East Asian Languages (Harvard University) 1989 Expérience professionnelle Professeur, Université
de Montréal: chargé de cours (1994); professeur invité
(1994-1995); chercheur adjoint (1995-1997); chercheur agrégé
(1997-1998); professeur agrégé (1998-); Publications 1.
Livres (dir., avec Mary Somers Heidhues), "Secret Societies" Reconsidered: Perspectives on the Social History of Early Modern South China and Southeast Asia, Armonk, N.Y.: M.E. Sharpe. 1993. 259 pages. (dir. et traducteur) "Changing Attitudes Among Chinese Youths: Letters to Zhongguo Qingnian," Chinese Sociology and Anthropology, Vol. 17, No. 4, pp. 1-117. Été 1985. 2.
Articles et chapitres d'ouvrages "Is There a Chinese Millenarian Tradition? An Analysis of Recent Western Studies of the Taiping Rebellion" Dans Abbas Amanat, ed., Millennialism in the Modern World. New Haven: Yale University Press. Sous presse. "Approximations of Chinese Bandits and Rebels: Perverse Rebels or Frustrated Bandits?" Dans Susan Brownell et Jeffrey Wasserstrom, eds., Chinese Femininities/Chinese Masculinities: An Introductory Reader. Berkeley: University of California Press. Sous presse. "Yige Xifang xuezhe guanyu Zhongguo mimi shehuishi yanjiu de kanfa" (L'opinion d'un chercheur occidental concernant les recherches récentes dans le domaine de l'histoire des sociétés secrètes chinoises). Qingshi yanjiu tongxun (Bulletin des recherches sur l'histoire des Qing). 38.2 (2000): 13-23. "Chinese Millenarian Traditions: The Formative Age." The American Historical Review 104.5 (décembre 1999), p. 1513-1530. "The Taiping Rebellion," "Hong Xiuquan," "The Empress Dowager," "The Empress Dowager," "Qin Shihuang," dans l'encyclopadie Microsoft Encarta. "Chinese White Lotus Rebellions (18th-20th Centuries)," "Chinese Late Ming Revolts (1620-1644)," et "Chinese Sectarian and Secret Society Revolts (1644-)," dans Jack Goldstone, ed., The Encyclopedia of Political Revolutions. Washington: Congressional Quarterly Books. 1998. "Mutual Benefit Societies in Chinese History," dans les Actes du Colloque international sur l'histoire de la mutualité, International Society of Labour History, ed., Amsterdam, 1996. "The Heaven and Earth Society as Popular Religion," The Journal of Asian Studies 54.4 (1995): 1023-1046. "Les sociétés de secours mutuels dans l'histoire chinoise," dans Michel Dreyfus et Bernard Gibaud, eds., Mutualités de tous les pays: Un passé riche d'avenir, Paris, Mutualité française, 1995, pp. 127-37. "Les éléments religieux des sociétés secrètes de l'ouest de Fujian et de l'est de Jiangxi au début du XIXe siècle" (en chinois), Zhonghua wenshi luncong, no. 54 (hiver 1994). "Secret Societies Reconsidered," dans Ownby and Heidhues, eds. "Secret Societies" Reconsidered: Studies of Early Modern Social Organization in China and Southeast Asia, Armonk, N.Y.: M.E. Sharpe, 1993. "Chinese Hui and the Early Modern Social Order: Evidence from Eighteenth Century Southeast China," in Ownby and Heidhues, eds. "Secret Societies" Reconsidered: Studies of Early Modern Social Organization in China and Southeast Asia, Armonk, N.Y.: M.E. Sharpe, 1993. "The Ethnic Feud in Qing Taiwan: What is this Violence Business, Anyway?" Late Imperial China 11.1 (June 1990), 75-98. "The Audience: Growing Alienation Among Chinese Youths," dans China's Establishment Intellectuals, ed. Carol Hamrin and Timothy Cheek (Armonk, N.Y.: M.E. Sharpe, Inc., 1986) pp. 212-45. |